Edit Solver Parameter
Screen Description
The Edit Solver Parameter screen provides interface for editing an existing solver parameter. Note, however, that changes of certain kind should be implemented and recognized by the solver before they are made here.
Unique name of the parameter
The convention is that the first part should reflect the parameter group (for example, solver mode in the Basic group is named Basic.Mode)
You can change the group for the parameter
Description of the parameter, as displayed e.g. in the Edit Solver Configuration screen
Type of the parameter
For example, when the type is boolean, the value can be set by checking or unchecking a checkbox
The default value of the parameter (can be later changed by administrator in the Edit Solver Configuration or Add Solver Configuration screen or, in the Basic group, by any user in the Solver screen just before a solver run)
If checked, this parameter is a part of the configuration settings (can be changed in the Add/Edit Solver Configuration screens)
If unchecked, the default value of the parameter cannot be changed anywhere but in the Edit Solver Parameter screen
Update (ALT+U)
Save changes and go back to the Solver Parameters screen
Delete (ALT+D)
Delete the solver parameter and go back to the Solver Parameters screen
The solver will continue to recognize this parameter, but there will be no way in the timetabling application to change its default value
Back (ALT+B)
Go back to the Solver Parameters screen without saving any changes