Examination Periods
Screen Description
The Examination Periods screen provides a list of all examination periods set up for the current session.
Type of the examination (Midterm, Final)
Examination date
Start Time
Time when the examination should start
Duration of the examination (minutes)
Event Start Offset
For how many minutes before the examination should the room be available for students to enter and sit down, or to prepare the room (re-arrange chairs etc.)
Event Stop Offset
How many minutes after the examination should the room be available for the students to leave the room or to return the room to the state where it was before the examination
Is it preferable in general to use this examination period? For example, some schools may discourage examinations on Saturdays (there are still examination periods on Saturday, but if possible, examinations are timetabled on other days)
Click on any examination period to get to its Edit Examination Period screen.
Add Period
Go to the Add Examination Period screen to add a new examination period
Midterm Periods
Go to the Setup Examination Periods screen to set up midterm examination periods all at once