Solver Configurations

Screen Description

The Solver Configurations screen provides a list of solver configurations that can currently be used. See the Notes section below for some examples.


    • Reference

        • Unique name of the configuration

    • Name

        • Name of the configuration which is displayed in the screens where the configuration is used

    • Appearance

        • Names of screens in which this configuration appears (can be used)

Click on any solver configuration to go to its Edit Solver Configuration screen. This screen will also provide you with a lot more information about a given configuration than what can be seen in the list.



As an example, here is a brief description of three configurations present in the online demo for course timetabling:

    • Check

        • Purpose: Check if input data is consistent and whether there is a complete (feasible) timetable consistent with the input data

        • The solver does not optimize the solution

            • Solution Comparator Weights are all set to 0

            • Placement Selection has most optimization parameters set to 0

            • The solver stops when a complete solution is found

    • Default

        • Purpose: Create an optimized timetable consistent with the input data

            • Most parameters have their default values

    • Interactive

        • Purpose: Create a timetable manually and/or make changes to an existing timetable that do not need to be consistent with the input data

            • It is allowed to break hard constraints (such as required/prohibited times/rooms)

            • The distribution preference "Different Time" is used for classes of the same instructional offering (such as lecture & lab that go together) instead of "Same Students" - this makes it possible to e.g. place a lecture to a place far away from the lab, which would not be possible with the "Same Students" constraint