Student Sectioning Dashboard
Screen Description
The Student Sectioning Dashboard screen displays information about student requests/enrollments that have been loaded into the batch sectioning solver. There are numerous filtering capabilities on this page.
Hold your mouse over the text field for two seconds to see possible filtering parameters and their required format, same as described below
Filter course enrollments or wait-listed course requests by any word from the course name or title. You can also use the following tags
area: academic area abbreviation
classification: academic classification code
consent: offering consent
course: course offering name
department: course controlling department code or abbreviation
group: student group abbreviation
major: academic major code
reserved: enrollments with a reservation
student: student name or external id
subject: subject area abbreviation
waitlist: wait-listed course requests
status: student scheduling status
Note that when you enter a tag, a drop down list of options for that tag will be displayed - especially when you start typing
Use or, and, not, and brackets to build a boolean query.
Example: subject:AAE and (waitlist:true or consent:waiting)
Click Search to apply the filter
The table has two tabs on top - Enrollments and Students. A different table is displayed for each of them. Keep in mind that the table reflects the restrictions entered in the Filter.
The top line of the column headers refers to courses, the bottom line to classes.
A column with clickable plus signs that enable unfolding of a course into lines with individual classes
Subject / Type
Subject area on the line with a course
Instructional Type on the line with a class
Course / External Id
Course number on the line with a course
External Id or the section number of a class on the line with a class
Title / Time
Course title on the line with a course
Assigned time of a class
Dates during which the class is taught
Consent / Room
Type of required consent for a course (if empty, no consent is required)
Room where a class is taught
Total number of available seats / total number of seats
Total number of projected students for the course or class
Number of students enrolled into the course or class (filtered by filtering criteria)
Number of students who have been wait-listed for the course or class (filtered by filtering criteria)
Number of students enrolled into the course or class via a reservation (filtered by filtering criteria)
Need Consent
Number of students who need consent to be able to take the course (filtered by filtering criteria)
The table can be sorted by any table header - just click on it, then on the "Sort by" option that opens.
Click on any line to get to the Enrollments pop-up window with a list of enrolled students for a given course or class.
The table of students lists students that meet the criteria of the Filter (e.g., all students who take a course from a given subject area, or all students of a given major, etc.).
Name of the student
Academic area
Academic classification
Student's major
Student group to which the student belongs
Sectioning status of the student (if there is nothing in that column, the student can be sectioned)
Number of courses into which the student is enrolled
Number of courses for which the student is on a wait list
Number of courses into which the student has been enrolled via a reservation
Number of courses into which the student is enrolled that require consent
Date and time when the student made his/her requests for courses
Click on any line from the table to get to a list of Classes for a given student.
The table ends with a line of totals for number of students, student enrollments, wait listed student requests, reservations, and required consents.
Apply the search criteria from the Filter